Monday 29 June 2015


Count down to graduation of degree, 3 more months! 

And we are still learning how to do mulching, isn't supposed to be year one subject???
This is how bad the agriculture education is in Malaysia.
Well, it may be better in local university, but duh we really have to brush up our technology and knowledge in this field! 

I mean, really.

So, mulching.

Mulch is simply a protective layer of a material that is spread on top of the soil. Mulches can either be organic -- such as grass clippings, straw, bark chips, and similar materials -- or inorganic -- such as stones, brick chips, and plastic.

 We are doing three different methods of mulching, 
- using newspaper
- banana leaves
- plastic bags

The design of experiment itself is questionable.
There are many variables affecting the accuracy of this experiment.

- Clearing of bed are inconsistent, there may be more leftover weeds in one than another.
- One bed is nearer to the weeds, we might expect more growth due to higher rate seeds dispersion.
- One bed is more covered than another.
- And... we are just calculating weeds that shows up instead of including every single weeds beneath it? Pardon me...??? 

I doubt this experiment will give relevant result. 

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