Friday 19 June 2015

Floating cucumber...?

Another vegetable cultivation post - lite post

Cucumber - Cucumis sativus (Family: Cucurbitaceae)
It is a widely cultivated crop in Malaysia.

- Fast life cycle (one month growing only!)
- Disease problem easier to be handled.
- Price... Uhm at least it is heavy weighed. So ya it makes money

FYI ----> RM1-2 per kg (USD 0.27~0.54 per kg)
 life as a farmer is not easy.

Cultivating cucumber is ordinary. 
But... cultivating it floating...? @@
That's a new thang for me.


The farm is far away from my place. Someday Im gonna visit the place, for sure. 
Let's have a cucumber photo at the end! 
See you guys! ;)

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