Monday 12 December 2016

GREAT ESCAPE TO MELAKA - A town full of landscape plants

11/12/2016 (Sunday)
I had a great (not so great actually just two hours apart from my house) escape to 
Melaka, a historical town. 

A mix cluster of plants create a nice landscape 
They are found in the toilet of highway rest station. 

Attractive fruits of a foxtail palm 

Turnera ulmifolia
I am very amazed by the effort of the Melaka municipal, they are literally planting everywhere in the town! What a beautiful town full of landscape plants! 

The Dutch House

This plant is called Ficus microcarpa 
Look crooked from this angle in my photo

Plants, everywhere.

The water fountain


After dropping by Dutch House, we walked to the park nearby.
And of course, the park is filled with beautiful plants. 

Arachis pintoi
They make a very beautiful ground cover! 

Musa rosacea (Lotus banana)

Melaka tree

Wrightia religiosa (Wild water plum)


Some plants circle, not very well maintained, not growing well unfortunately.


More plantsssss

Megaskepasma erythrochlamys

Megaskepasma erythrochlamys (with flowers)
Source: Google

Anyone has the name of this plant? Helppp

Anthurium andraeanum 'Album'

Tradescantia spathacea 'Compacta'


Then, we headed to the famous Jonker Street! 

Heavy traffic at Jonker Street, be it cars or people.

The busy junction of Jonker Street

People queuing up in the rain just for the famous chicken rice ball! Crazy right?

Melaka chicken rice ball

H&M? I did not expect it to be here in the middle of a food street

A man with a weird music instrument 
(forgot the name, so let's call it weird music instrument)

Yup that's me looking tiny beside the great statue. 

Of course, I did not miss opportunities to snap some plants photos! 

Dumb cane (left)
Dranana reflexa 'Song of India' (right)

Simply gorgeous 
Bucida molineti (variegated leaf)

Ugh, again I forgot the name of this plant! 

Lantana camara 

Yellow palm - Dypsis lutescens

Agave augiustifolia 'Marginata'



Dropped by Seremban, a city famous with 'siew pau' to do some shopping before heading home! 
Operating hour is until 11.00 p.m.! 


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