Saturday 12 November 2016

Secret Garden Part 2

Cissus nodosa (Square trellis)

 Duranta erecta (Golden dewdrop)
 Bougainvillea 'Formosa'

Codaieum variegatum (Croton) 

 Dracana reflexa (Song of India dracaena)

 Sauropus androgynus (Pucuk Manis) 
Not healthy plant. I got much healthier plant at my own house hehe. 
I always cook it with 'Pan Mee'.

 Myristica fragrans (Nutmeg)

  Persea americana. a.k.a. Alligator Pear

 Justicia betonica (White shrimp plant)

  Melocanna baccifera (Terai bamboo)

 Hydrangea sp.

 Ixora 'Thai king'

 Tradescantia zebrina (Wandering jew)

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