Tuesday 16 June 2015


Im a 93 born gen Y that lived in city. When it comes to agriculture, friends of my generation will say a big no towards it. However, im in the field right now, which surprised many people.

Well, back then I was just like many secondary school graduates that have no idea what to do in future. I took my A-level as my ‘buffer period’ for me to think off what to choose as my specialized field. I found that Im doing pretty well in biology, thus i called myself a ‘bio person’ (in fact i love math too!).

Being hippy might be my nature, so choosing a not so mainstream pathway is what makes me decided to go on a non-mainstream course – Agriculture (It is definitely not a hot course in Malaysia for sure). Because i love to play harvest moon back when i was a kid. Haha of course my intention is not that simple!

 Seriously i loved this game so so much back then! Addicted!

There were actually reasons behind my decision, such as agriculture is losing new gen to support (i call it a gap and opportunity), agriculture is profitable (money yay), agriculture has many potential to be transformed (urban agriculture, agro-tourism), etc etc. Oh not forgetting the most important thing, PASSION :)

Malaysia is an agriculture powered country, well used to be, we are slowly transforming ourselves more into industrial and urban way. I’d say that Malaysia is falling behind (we are talking about Asian countries here) like Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, etc. In terms of technologies, we are pretty much behind. There aren’t many universities that offer agriculture course in Malaysia.

Many people would ask, ‘Dude you study agriculture to be farmer?’, well why not? Studying agriculture is more than just an interest for me, is a passion. And i’d love to share what i have been through in this field via this newborn blog (yesilovefarming !) Nice to meet you guys :DDD ! I will try to update as frequent as possible (target daily), any discussion and comments are welcomed!

Here’s a potd xP

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