Thursday 18 June 2015

Agriculture in Malaysia

What does Malaysian agriculture look like? 

Malaysia :D ! We have the tallest maize in the world

Total land area - 33 million ha
Agricultural area - 6.6 million ha (20% of total area)
Industrial crop - oil palm, rubber, cocoa, tobacco, pepper (77% of total agricultural area)
Other crops - paddy, fruit, vegetables & coconut (16% of total agricultural area)
... why is paddy covering so less -.- that's why we have to import rice omg 0.o

Dominating industrial crop, because it makes money! Simple. 

Sorry for the not-so-updated info:
-The contribution of agriculture to the gross domestic product (GDP or the sum of goods and services produced) declined from 28.8% in 1970 to 7.3% in 2010. 
- But in poorer states such as Perlis and Sabah, agriculture’s share of GDP can be as high as 25%-30%.

Nevertheless, this is normal because it is the common phenomena in the cycle of development. 

We are second world country, but many people may think we are third world -.- but i wouldn't deny it so much in fact hahaha! 

For instance, the contribution of agriculture to the GDP of developed countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan is only between 1% and 3%. 

Currently, agriculture here has over 66% of people in agriculture are over 50 – the young simply do not want to be involved. Our great challenge is to see how to get the young into agriculture. 

 Youth in agriculture? Nah model -.-

And another challenge is... 
Our agriculture technology is falling rather behind -.- 
Learning from agriculture advance country such as Taiwan is definitely a good idea. 

Let's do it Malaysia!


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