Friday 19 June 2015

Trip to Perlis, Malaysia #1

Perlis is the smallest state in Malaysia, situated just next to Thailand.

Area: 821 km²
Population: 240,200 (2013)

Perlis is one of the agriculture active state. I visited my friend, whose whole family and many of his relatives are running farm business.

Basically, it's my self organized field investigation cum travelling, with another two friends following me.

It took me 3 1/2 hours to reach there (130 km/hour speed). But it is definitely a worthwhile and unforgettable trip. 

 It's a 15 years old car. 
But she managed to brought us there tho. 
Thanks baby.

We had a simple breakfast. 
In fact, the whole state is small and simple.  
Guess what?

There is no shopping mall
and only one Mc Donald in the entire state.

One and only one, in Perlis.

So... FIRST STOP!!! 
Maize Farm. 
The farm is pretty big, well organized. However, the owner was not there :/

Price of maize: RM0.60 per stick (USD 0.16) 

Geez, how many plant we have to cultivate to get good revenue...? 

However, the good things are:
- They need minimum care, you may leave them alone and they grow up well.
- You may sell the maize plant to be processed as fodder (side income)

Maze of maize, maize of maze?

Next, we moved to next station. 


Guess how much were there?

RM175 (USD 46.86) 

Not bad right?

Long beans are one of the most profitable crops to be planted,
and it's suitable for beginner (easier pest and disease control).

Next, we moved to the third station.
While on the way, we passed by rural residential area.
They actually planted vegetables behind their backyard, and it looks pretty organized! 

self sufficiency, well done.
Last stop
The paddy field! 
Foreigner like me may feel excited, but this scenery is just an everyday view for the locals.

Sunset view in paddy field


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