Tuesday 13 December 2016

Secret Garden PART 6


Ming aralia 'Polyscias filicifolia'

Asian foxtail 'Uraria crinita' 

Smooth barrel cactus 'Echinocactus grusonii'

Leafy opuntia cactus 'Opuntia subulata'

Golden sedum 'Sedum adolphii'

Raspy hawarthia 'Haworthia limifolia'

Mexican sedum 'Sedum mexicanum'

Everglades palm 'Acoelorrhaphe wrightii'

Giant heliconia 'Phenakospermum guyannense'

Not very sure of its species name

Sunkist Ixora 

Ixora cultivar 'Curly leaf'


Secret Garden PART 5


Calathea medallion

Calathea insignis 

Zebra plant 'Cryptanthus zonatus'

Maranta 'Maranta leuconeura'

Star calathea 'calathea loeseneri'

Star calathea 'calathea loeseneri'

Colocasia gigantea
This plant can be so huge that it can cover your body!

Meanwhile in Thailand 
Source: Google

Dieffenbachia sp.

Broad leaf arrowhead 
'Echinodorus palaefolius'

Tradescantia spathacea 'Vittata'

ZZ plant 'Zamioculcas zamiifolia'

Alpinia purpurata 'Jungle Queen'

Brazallian whisker 'Schaueria flavicoma' 

False agave 'Furcraea gigantea'

Leopard lily 'Belamcanda chinensis'

Zanzibar lily 'Drimiopsis kirkii'


Secret Garden PART 4

I dropped by Secret Garden, AGAIN! 
Yes, I could not help but to go back again and again to visit the plants.
Therefore, I will also post up here whichever photos that I had missed out in PART 1, 2 & 3.

Carpet joyweed 'Alternanthera paronychioides'

Neoregelia 'Neoregelia hybrids'

Broad tongue 'Sansevieria masoniana'

Limestone Cycad 'Cycas clivicola'

Dwarf tree fern 'Blechnum gibbum'

American century plant 'Agave americana'

Curvy century plant 'Agave desmettiana'

Chenille plant 'Acalypha hispida'

White Madras thorn 'Pithecellobium dulce 'Snowy''

Centipede pedilanthus 'Pedilanthus tithymaloides 'Nana''

Fragrant ginger 'Hedychium coronarium'

Gardenia 'Gardenia sp.'

Rhapis humilis 'Slender lady palm'

 Malay Willow 'Baeckea frutescens' 

Red powderpuff 'Calliandra haematocephala'

Oleander 'Nerium oleander'

Pinwheel - Tabernaemontana divaricata 'Mini'